1. Algorithms and programming : problems and solutions / by Alexander Shen.
2nd ed.
New York ; London : Springer, c2010.
QA76.9.A43 S47 2010.
2. Analysing seasonal health data / Adrian G. Barnett, Annette J. Dobson.
New York ; London : Springer, 2010.
RA407 B317 2010.
3. Bayesian model selection and statistical modeling / Tomohiro Ando.
Boca Raton, FL. : CRC Press, 2010.
QA279.5 A55 2010.
4. Comparative gene finding : models, algorithms and implementation / Marina Axelson-Fisk.
New York : Springer, 2010.
QH447 A94 2010.
5. The concise encyclopedia of statistics / by Yadolah Dodge.
New York, NY : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.
R HA17 D63 2010.
6. Connected : the amazing power of social networks and how they shape our lives / Nicholas A. Christakis, James H. Fowler.
London : HarperPress, 2009.
HM132 C461 2009.
7. Data analysis and graphics using R : an example-based approach / John Maindonald and W. John Braun.
3rd ed.
Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QA276.4 M245 2010.
8. Decision systems and nonstochastic randomness / by V.I. Ivanenko.
New York ; London : Springer, c2010.
HD30.23 I92 2010.
9. Domain driven data mining / Longbing Cao, Philip S. Yu, Chengqu Zhang, Yanchang Zhao.
New York : Springer, 2010.
QA76.9.D343 D66 2010.
10. Elements of adaptive testing / Wim J. van der Linden, Cees A.W. Glas.
New York : Springer, 2010.
LB3060.32.C65 E54 2010.
11. Expansions and asymptotics for statistics / Christopher G. Small.
Boca Raton : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2010.
QA273.6 S63 2010.
12. Fundamentals of modern statistical methods : substantially improving power and accuracy / Rand R. Wilcox.
2nd ed.
New York : Springer, 2010.
QA276 W48 2010.
13. Fundamentals of probability : a first course / Anirban Dasgupta.
New York : Springer, c2010.
QA273 D27 2010.
14. Fuzzy mathematics : approximation theory / George A. Anastassiou.
Berlin : Springer, c2010.
QA248.5 A53 2010.
15. Geometric discrepancy an illustrated guide / Jiri Matousek.
Corr. softcover printing.
Berlin Heidelberg Springer 2010.
QA241.7 M38 2010.
16. A history of the central limit theorem : from classical to modern probability theory / Hans Fischer.
New York ; London : Springer, c2011.
QA273.67 F5 2011.
17. ICCTP 2010 [electronic resource : integrated transportation systems: green, intelligent, reliable : proceedings of the Tenth International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals : August 4-8, Beijing, China / edited by Heng Wei, Yinhai Wang, Jian Rong, Jiancheng Weng.
Reston, VA : American Society of Civil Engineers, c2010.
TA1005 I5225 2010.
18. Introducing Monte Carlo methods with R / C. P. Robert, George Casella.
New York : Springer, 2010.
QA298 R63 2010.
19. Introduction to nonlinear and global optimization / by Eligius M.T. Hendrix, Boglarka G.-Toth.
New York : Springer, c2010.
QA402.5 H455 2010.
20. Longitudinal research with latent variables / Kees van Montfort, Johan H.L. Oud, Albert Satorra.
Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer, 2010.
H62 L66 2010.
21. Modern infectious disease epidemiology : concepts, methods, mathematical models, and public health / Alexander Kramer, Mirjam Kretzschmar, Klaus Krickeberg, editors.
New York : Springer, 2010.
RA651 M63 2010.
22. Multilevel statistical models / Harvey Goldstein. 4th ed.
New York : Wiley , 2011.
H61.25 G65 2011.
23. Non-life insurance pricing with generalized linear models / by Esbjorn Ohlsson, Bjorn Johansson.
Berlin ; London : Springer, 2010.
HG8065 O45 2010.
24. Nonlinear optimization : lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, July 1-7, 2007 / Immanuel M. Bomze, Vladimir Demyanov, Roger Fletcher, Tamas Terlaky; editor, Gianni Di Pillo, Fabio Schoen.
Heldelberg ; New York : Springer-Verlag, 2010.
QA3 L28.
25. Robust and online large-scale optimization : models and techniques for transportation systems / edited by Ravindra K. Ahuja, Rolf H. Mohring, Christos D. Zaroliagis.
Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.
HE151 R638 2009.
26. Sampling : design and analysis / Sharon L. Lohr.
2nd ed.
Boston, MA : Brooks/Cole, c2010.
HA31.2 L64 2010.
27. A SAS/IML companion for linear models / Jamis J. Perrett.
New York : Springer, 2010.
QA276.4 P47 2010.
28. Simulation modeling and analysis / Averill M. Law.
4th ed.
Boston : McGraw-Hill, 2007.
QA76.9.C65 L38 2007.
29. Spatial cluster modelling / edited by Andrew B. Lawson, David G.T. Denison.
Boca Raton, Fla. : Chapman & Hall/CRC, c2002.
QA278 L39 2002.
30. Spectral analysis of large dimensional random matrices / Zhidong Bai, Jack W. Silverstein.
2nd ed.
New York ; London : Springer, 2010.
QA188 B33 2010.
31. Statistical inference : an integrated bayesian/likelihood approach / Murray Aitkin.
Boca Raton, FL : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2010.
QA276 A515 2010.
32. Statistical methods for disease clustering / Toshiro Tango.
New York : Springer, 2010.
RA792 T36 2010.
33. Statistical methods in the atmospheric sciences : an introduction / Daniel S. Wilks.
2nd ed.
Oxford : Academic Press, 2006.
QC874.5 W688 2006.
34. Statistical modelling and regression structures : festschrift in honour of Ludwig Fahrmeir / Thomas Kneib, Gerhard Tutz, editors.
Heidelberg : Physica, c2010.
QA276 S73 2010.
35. Statistics of financial markets : exercises and solutions / Szymon Borak, Wolfang Karl Hardle, Brenda Lopez Cabrera.
Berlin, Heidelberg : Springer, 2010.
HG106 B67 2010.
36. Time series : modeling, computation, and inference / Raquel Prado, Mike West.
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2010.
QA280 P723 2010.
37. Your guide to google web search : how to find the information you need on the internet / Rene Djurup.
[s.l.] : Rebidu ApS, 2010.
ZA4251.G6 D58 2010.