1. Advanced calculus : a geometric view / James J. Callahan.
New York : Springer, c2010.
QA303.3 C355 2010.
2. Advances in directional and linear statistics : a festschrift for Sreenivasa Rao
Jammalamadaka / Martin T. Wells, Ashis SenGupta, editors.
Berlin ; Heidelbert : Physica-Verlag, 2011.
QA276 A38 2011.
3. Analysis of ordinal categorical data / Alan Agresti.
2nd ed.
Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, c2010.
QA278 A35 2010.
4. Applied Bayesian hierarchical methods / Peter D. Congdon.
Boca Raton, FL : Chapman & Hall/CRC, c2010.
QA279.5 C66 2010.
5. Bargaining and the theory of cooperative games : John Nash and beyond / edited
by William Thomson.
Cheltenham ; Northampton, Mass. : Edward Elgar, 2010.
HD58.6 B37 2010.
6. Bayesian ideas and data analysis : an introduction for scientists and
statisticians / Ronald Christensen, Wesley Johnson, Adam Branscum, Timothy E.
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2011.
QA279.5 B3868 2011.
7. Change of time and change of measure / Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen, Albert
Singapore ; London : World Scientific, c2010.
QA274.2 B39 2010.
8. A comparison of the Bayesian and frequentist approaches to estimation /
Francisco J. Samaniego.
New York : Springer, c2010.
QA276.8 S255 2010.
9. Complex data modeling and computationally intensive statistical methods / Pietro
Mantovan, Piercesare Secchi, editors.
New York : Springer, 2010.
QA276.4 C66 2010.
10. Copula theory and its applications : proceedings of the workshop held in Warsaw,
25-26 September 2009 / Piotr Jaworski, Fabrizio Durante, Wolfgang Hardle,
Tomasz Rychlik, editors.
Heidelberg, [Germany] ; New York : Springer, c2010.
QA273.6 C667 2010.
11. Data mining and knowledge discovery handbook / edited by Oded Maimon and Lior
2nd ed.
New York : Springer, c2005, 2010.
QA76.9.D343 D3765 2010.
12. Data mining for social network data / Nasrullah Memon, Jennifer Jie Xu, David L.
Hicks, Hsinchun Chen, editors.
New York : Springer, 2010.
QA76.9.D343 D38 2010.
13. Dependence in probability and statistics / Paul Doukhan … [et al.], editors.
Heidelberg [Germany] ; New York : Springer, c2010.
QA273.18 D4682 2010.
14. Distributions : theory and applications / J.J. Duistermaat, J.A.C. Kolk ;
translated from Dutch by J.P. van Braam Houckgeest.
New York : Birkh{232}auser, c2010.
QA324 D85 2010.
15. Exercises and solutions in biostatistical theory / Lawrence L. Kupper, Brian H.
Neelon, Sean M. O’Brien.
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2011.
QH323.5 K87 2011.
16. Functional estimation for density, regression models and processes / Odile Pons.
Singapore ; London : World Scientific, 2011.
QA278.8 P775 2011.
17. Fundamentals of clinical trials / Lawrence M. Friedman, Curt D. Furberg, David
L. DeMets.
4th ed.
New York : Springer-Verlag, 2010.
R853.C55 F75 2010.
18. The fundamentals of modern statistical genetics / Nan M. Laird, Christoph Lange.
New York : Springer, 2011.
QH438.4.S73 L35 2011.
19. Fundamentals of predictive text mining / S. M. Weiss, N. Indurkhya, Zhang, T.
New York : Springer, 2010.
QA76.9.D343 W45 2010.
20. Fundamentals of traffic simulation / Jaume Barcelo, editor.
New York : Springer , 2010.
HE336.T7 F981 2010.
21. Handbook of empirical economics and finance / edited by Aman Ullah, David E. A.
Boca Raton, FL : Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2011.
HB139 H363 2011.
22. Handbook of nonresponse in household surveys / Jelke Bethlehem, Fannie Cobben,
Barry Schouten.
Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2011.
HB849.49 B48 2011.
23. Handbook of quantitative finance and risk management / edited by Cheng-Few Lee,
Alice C. Lee, John Lee.
Boston, MA : Springer-Verlag US, 2010.
HG106 H236 2010.
24. Handbook of quantitative finance and risk management / edited by Cheng-Few Lee,
Alice C. Lee, John Lee.
Boston, MA : Springer-Verlag US, 2010.
HG106 H236 2010.
25. Handbook of quantitative finance and risk management / edited by Cheng-Few Lee,
Alice C. Lee, John Lee.
Boston, MA : Springer-Verlag US, 2010.
HG106 H236 2010.
26. Handbook of spatial statistics / edited by Alan E. Gelfand, Peter Diggle,
Montserrat Fuentes, Petter Guttorp.
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2010.
QA278.2 H374 2010.
27. Handbook of statistical data editing and imputation / Ton de Waal, Jeroen
Pannekoek, Sander Scholtus.
: Wiley, 2011.
HA29 W23 2011.
28. Incomplete block designs / Aloke Dey.
Singapore ; Hackensack, NJ : World Scientific ; [Gurgaon] : Hindustan Book
Agency ; c2010.
QA166.3 D49 2010.
29. International encyclopedia of statistical science / Miodrag Lovric, editor.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2011.
R HA17 I63 2011.
30. International encyclopedia of statistical science / Miodrag Lovric, editor.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2011.
R HA17 I63 2011.
31. International encyclopedia of statistical science / Miodrag Lovric, editor.
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2011.
R HA17 I63 2011.
32. Introduction to general and generalized linear models / Henrik Madsen and Poul
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2011.
QA276 M315 2011.
33. An introduction to manifolds / Loring W. Tu.
2nd ed.
New York : Springer, c2011.
QA613 T8 2011.
34. Introduction to probability simulation and gibbs sampling with R / Eric A. Suess,
Bruce E. Trumbo.
New York : Springer, 2010.
QA276.6 S84 2010.
35. An introduction to stochastic filtering theory / Jie Xiong.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2008.
QA274 X56 2008.
36. Latent class analysis of survey error / Paul P. Biemer.
Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley, 2011.
QA275 B47 2011.
37. Logistic regression : a self-learning text / David G. Kleinbaum, Mitchel Klein.
3rd ed.
New York : Springer-Verlag, c2010.
R853.S7 K54 2010.
38. Mathematical analysis of problems in the natural sciences / Vladimir Zorich ;
translated by Gerald Gould.
Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, c2011.
Q172 Z67 2011.
39. Mathematical and statistical models and methods in reliability : applications to
medicine, finance, and quality control / V.V. Rykov, N. Balakrishnan, M.S.
Nikulin, editors.
New York : Birkh{232}auser, 2010.
TA169 M38 2010.
40. Mathematics for finance : an introduction to financial engineering / Marek
Capi{226}nski and Tomasz Zastawniak.
2nd ed.
London ; New York : Springer, c2003, 2011.
HG106 C36 2011.
41. Measurement error : models, methods, and applications / John P. Buonaccorsi.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, c2010.
QA275 B965 2010.
42. Modeling and tools for network simulation / Klaus Wehrle, Mesut Gunes, James
Gross, editors.
New York : Springer, 2010.
QA273 M72 2010.
43. A modern approach to functional integration / John R. Klauder.
New York : Birkh{232}auser Boston, 2011.
QC20.7.F85 M53 2011.
44. Molecular modeling and simulation : an interdisciplinary guide / Tamar Schlick.
2nd ed.
New York : Springer, 2010.
QD480 S37 2010.
45. Numerical analysis for statisticians / Kenneth Lange.
2nd ed.
New York : Springer, c2010.
QA279 L34 2010.
46. Numerical methods for structured matrices and applications : the Georg Heinig
memorial volume / Dario Andrea Bini … [et al.], editors.
Basel : Birkh{232}auser, 2010.
QA188 N844 2010.
47. The oxford handbook of functional data analysis / edited by Frederic Ferraty and
Yves Romain.
New York : Oxford, 2010.
QA278 O94 2011.
48. Probability and statistical models : foundations for problems in reliability and
financial mathematics / Arjun K. Gupta, Wei-Bin Zeng, Yanhong Wu.
[Boston] : Birkh{232}auser ; New York : Springer, c2010.
QA273.6 G85 2010.
49. Probability : theory and examples / Rick Durrett.
4th ed.
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
QA273 D865 2010.
50. Random fields : analysis and synthesis / Erik Vanmarcke.
Rev. and expanded new ed.
Singapore ; Hackensack, NJ : World Scientific, c2010.
QA274.45 V36 2010.
51. Real and complex analysis / Christopher Apelian, Steve Surace ; with Akhil
Boca Raton, FL : Chapman & Hall/CRC, c2010.
QA300 A5685 2010.
52. Regression : linear models in statistics / N.H. Bingham, John M. Fry.
London ; New York : Springer, c2010.
QA278.2 B56 2010.
53. Robust nonparametric statistical methods / Thomas P. Hettmansperger, Joseph W.
2nd ed.
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2011.
QA278.8 H47 2011.
54. Ruin probabilities / Soren Asmussen and Hansjorg Albrecher.
2nd ed.
Singapore : New Jersey : World Scientific, 2010.
HG8781 A83 2010.
55. Statistical learning theory / Vladimir N. Vapnik.
New York : Wiley, c1998.
Q325.7 V38 1998.
56. Stochastic programming : the state of the art in honor of George B. Dantzig /
Gerd Infanger, editor.
New York : Springer, 2011.
T57.79 S76 2011.
57. Table of integrals, series, and products / I.S. Gradshteyn and I.M. Ryzhik ;
Alan Jeffrey, editor ; Daniel Zwillinger, editor ; translated from the
Russian by Scripta Technica, Inc.
7th ed.
San Diego : Academic Press, c2007.
R QA55 G6613 2007.
58. Table of integrals, series, and products / I.S. Gradshteyn and I.M. Ryzhik ;
Alan Jeffrey, editor ; Daniel Zwillinger, editor ; translated from the
Russian by Scripta Technica, Inc.
7th ed.
San Diego : Academic Press, c2007.
R QA55 G6613 2007.
59. Theoretical statistics : topics for a core course / Robert W. Keener.
New York : Springer, 2010.
QA276 K246 2010.