1. Clinical trials handbook : design and conduct / Curtis L. Meinert.
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RM301.27 M45 2013.
2. Computational intelligence for missing data imputation, estimation, and management : knowledge optimization techniques / Tshilidzi Marwala. Hershey,
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QA279.4 M37 2009.
3. Convocation addresses : 1962-2006 / Indian Statistical Institute.
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4. Design and analysis of experiments in the health sciences / Gerald van Belle, Kathleen F. Kerr.
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5. Elements pour une histoire de l’informatique / Donald E. Knuth; articles choisis et traduit pa Patrick Cegielski.
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7. Generalized method of moments / Alastair R. Hall.
New York : Oxford University Press, 2005.
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8. Handbook of educational data mining / edited by Cristobal Romero, Sebastian Ventura, Mykola Pechenizkiy, and Ryan S.J.d. Baker.
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9. Local polynomial modelling and its applications / J. Fan and I. Gijbels.
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10. Quantitative EEG, event-related potentials and neurotherapy / Juri D. Kropotov.
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Amsterdam ; Boston ; London : Elsevier/Academic, 2007.
RC386.6.E43 K76 2009.
11. Statistical and machine learning approaches for network analysis / edited by Matthias Dehmer, Subhash C. Basak.
Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2012.
Q180.55 S7 2012.
12. Statistical methods in bioinformatics : an introduction / Warren J. Ewens, Gregory R. Grant.
Springer international ed.
New York : Springer, c1989.
R858 E986 1989.
13. Statistical methods in molecular evolution / Rasmus Nielsen, editor.
New York : Springer, c2005.
QH371.3.M73 S73 2005.
14. Statistics for spatial data / Noel A.C. Cressie.
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New York : J. Wiley, c1993.
QA278.2 C75 1993.
15. The visualization of spatial social structure / Daniel Dorling.
Chichester ; [Hoboken, NJ] : John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
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