1. Basic and clinical biostatistics / Beth Dawson-Saunders, Robert G. Trapp.
2nd ed.
Norwalk, Connecticut : Appleton & Lange, 1994.
RA409 D33 1994
2. The causes of cancer : quantitative estimates of avoidable risks of cancer in the United States today / Richard Doll, F.R.S. and Richard Peto.
Oxford : Oxford University Press , 1981.
QZ202 D665 1981
3. Clinical trial methodology in stroke / edited by Willem K. Amery, Marie-Germaine Bousser, Frank Clifford Rose.
London : Bailliere Tindall, 1989.
R853.C55 C616 1989
4. The Little,Brown handbook / H. Ramsey Fowler.
3rd ed.
New York : Little, Brown and Company (Inc.) , 1986.
PE112 F64 1986
5. Measurement theory and practice : the world through quantification / David J. Hand.
London : Arnold, Wiley, 2004.
QA276 H26 2004
6. Medical uses of statistics / edited by John C. Bailar III, Frederick Mosteller.
Waltham, Mass. : NEJM Books, 1986.
RA409 M43 1986
7. Operations research / Frederick S. Hillier, Gerald J. Lieberman.
2nd ed.
San Francisco : Holden-Day, Inc. ; 1974.
T57.6 H558 1974
8. Research methods : guidance for postgraduates / edited by Tony Greenfield.
London : :Arnold , 1996.
H62 R311 1996
9. Sequential analysis / by Abraham Wald.
New York : Dover Publications, [1973, c1947].
QA279.7 W34 1947
10. Some theory of sampling.
New York, Wiley [1950].
HA33 D4 1950