1. Analysis of capture-recapture data / Rachel S. McCrea and Byron J.T. Morgan.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2015.
QA276.18 M43 2015
2. Benford’s law : theory, the general law of relative quantities, and forensic fraud detection applications / Alex Ely Kossovsky.
HV8079.F7 K67 2015
3. Computational actuarial science with R / edited by Arthur Charpentier.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2015.
HG8781 C637 2015
4. Computational statistics with R / edited by M.B. Rao, C.R. Rao.
Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2014.
QA276.45.R3 JC66 2014
5. Dimensionality reduction with unsupervised nearest neighbors / Oliver Kramer.
Berlin : Springer , 2013.
QA278.2 K73 2013
6. Factorial survey experiments / Katrin Auspurg, University of Konstanz, Germany,
Thomas Hinz, University of Konstanz, Germany.
HM538 A94 2015
7. Handbook of health survey methods / edited by Timothy P. Johnson.
Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2015.
RA408.5 H36 2015
8. Inference on the Hurst parameter and the variance of diffusions driven by fractional Brownian motion / Corinne Berzin, Alain Latour, José R. León.
QA276.A1 L471. v.216
9. Introduction to high-dimensional statistics / Christophe Giraud.
Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2015.
QC20.7.D55 G57 2015
10. Introduction to time series analysis / Mark Pickup, Simon Fraser University,
HA30.3 P53 2015
11. Introductory econometrics : a modern approach / Jeffrey M. Wooldridge.
5th ed.
Mason, OH : South-Western Cengage Learning, 2013.
HB139 W665 2013
12. A new approach to data hiding for web-based applications / Svetozar Ilchev, Zlatoliliya Ilcheva.
First edition.
QA76.9.A25 I495 2014
13. Nonparametric estimation under shape constraints : estimators, algorithms and asymptotics / Piet Groeneboom, Geurt Jongbloed.
NY : Piet Groeneboom and Geurt Jongbloed : Cambridge University Press, 2014.
QA278.8 G76 2014
14. Spatial branching in random environments and with interaction / by Janos Englander, University of Colorado Boulder, USA.
QA276 E54 2015
15. Stated preference metods using R / Hideo Aizaki, Tomoaki Nakatani, Kazuo Sato.
Boca Rato : CRC Press, 2015.
QA273.A5 A39 2015
16. Statistical methods in biology : design and analysis of experiments and regression / S. J. Welham, S. A. Gezan, S. J. Clark, A. Mead.
Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2015.
QH323.5 W45 2015
17. Statistical paradigms : recent advances and reconciliations / editors, Ashis SenGupta, Tapas Samanta, Ayanendranath Basu, Indian Statistical Institute, India.
QA276.8 S736 2015