- C-92-1 C. Z. Wei, C. K. Chu (1/13, 1992)
- A Regression Point of View Toward Density Estimation
- C-92-2 Philip E. Cheng (1/30, 1992)
- Nonparametric Estimation of Mean Functionals with Data Missing at Random
- C-92-3 Cheng-Der Fuh (2/18, 1992)
- The Bayesian Bootstrap for Finite State Markov Chains
- C-92-4 林美穗 (2/21, 1992)
- TCOG 病歷表格登錄電腦系統的設計
- C-92-5 Sangyeol Lee (3/2, 1992)
- The Asymptotic Maximin Property of Chi-Squared Type Tests Based on the Empirical Process
- C-92-6 Chung-Yi Suen (3/3, 1992)
- Balanced Nested Block Designs for Symmetrical Factorial Experiments
- C-92-7 Yuan-Chin Chung (3/4, 1992)
- Adaptive Sequenteal Confidence Interval for a Location Parameter
- C-92-8 Yue-Cune Chang and Kung-Yee Liang (3/12, 1992)
- The Trade-off Between Bias and Precision: a General Approach
- C-92-9 Yuan-chin Ivan Chang
- Estimation in Some Binary Regression Models with Prescribed Accuracy
- C-92-10 Jine-Phone Chou
- Capture-Recapture Census Under a Negative Multinomial Model
- C-92-11 Ching-Zong Wei & Mei-Hui Guo
- A Lower Bound for Expectation of a Convex Functional
- C-92-12 David F. Findley & Ching-Zong Wei
- Monent Bounds for Deriving Time Series Clt’s and Model Selection Procedures
- C-92-13 林妙香
- 論自願就學方案五分制記分法的缺失及修正方案
- C-92-14 Fan Chin Meng
- Characterizing the Barlow-Wu Structure Functions
- C-92-15 Fan Chin Meng
- Component Relevancy and Characterization Results in Multistate Systems
- C-92-16 I-Shou Chang & Chao A. Hsiung
- A Strong Representation for Space-Time Poisson Processes
- C-92-17 I-Shou Chang & Chao A. Hsiung
- Asymptotic Consistency of the Maximum Likelihood Estimate in Positron Emissin Tomography and Applications
- C-92-18 Cheng-Der Fuh & Nan-Jung Hsu
- On Importance Resampling for Bootstrapping Markov Chains
- C-92-19 Michelle Liou
- Assessing Statistical Accuracy in Ability Estimation
- C-92-20 Sangyeol Lee
- Quantile and Empirical Processes Based on the Autoregressive Residuals for Goodness of Fit Test
- C-92-21 Philip E. Cheng & C. K. Chu
- Estimation of Distribution Function and Quantile with Missing Data
- C-92-22 Yuan-Chin Ivan Chang
- Fixed Size Confidence Regions for the Parameters in Some Generalized Linear Models–Maximum Likelihood Method
- C-92-23 Ming-Tien Tsai
- Estimation of Covariance Matrices Under Lowner Order Restrictions
- C-92-24 Ming-Tien Tsai & Pranab K. Sen
- Power-Robustness of Likelihood Ratio (Union-Intersection Score) Tests for Some Restricted Alternative Problems
- C-92-25 Ming-Tien Tsai
- Monotonicity of the Power Functins of Invariant Tests for Manova and Other Multivariate Problems
- C-92-26 I-Shou Chang & Chen-Hsin Chen & Chao A. Hsiung
- Estimating a Hazard Rate Chang-Point by Poisson Approximation
- C-92-27 Fan Chin Meng
- Comparing Criticality of Nodes Via Mininal Paht (CUT) Sets for Choerent Systems
- C-92-28 C. K. Chu & P. E. Cheng
- Nonparametric Regression Estimation with Missing Data
- C-92-29 K. F. Cheng & P. E. Cheng & C. K. Chu
- Kernel Estimation of a Multiple Regression Function with Incomplete Data
- C-92-30 Philip E. Cheng & Michelle Liou
- Equipercentile Equating with Nonequivalent Populations: Application of a Smoothed Em Algorithm
- C-92-31 魏慶榮
- 時間數列模型之選取
- C-92-32 程爾觀, 周若珍, 李隆安
- 臺灣氣象測站間記錄差異之比較
發表於 2017-06-12 16:45:12