- 2008-01 林妙香 2008/01/30 現行國中基測量尺爭議根源面面觀
- 2008-02 Eunsik Park and Yuan-chin Ivan Chang 2008/05/19 Sequential analysis of longitudinal data in case-control studies
- 2008-03 Fan C. Meng 2008/08/13 Some further results on continuum structure functions
- 2008-04 Charlotte Wang, Yuan-Chin Ivan Chang 2008/09/5 Comparison of the diagnostic power of biomarkers by sequential optimal estimate of partial area under receiving operating characteristic curve
- 2008-05 林妙香 2008/09/24 升學制度審議委員會大學升學制度小組
- 議題一:考試分發入學管道中,學測綁指考是否適妥? 議題二:考試分發入學管道中,校系採計指考科目數是否合理?
- 2008-06 Juin-Der Lee, Hong-Ren Su, Philip E. Cheng, Michelle Liou, John A.D. Aston, Chih-Hsin Tsai, Cheng-Yu Chen 2008/09/24 MR Image Segmentation Using a Power Transformation Approach
- 2008-07 Yuan-Chin Ivan Chang and Eunsik Park 2008/10/27 Constucting the best linear combination of diagnostic makers via sequential sampling
- 2008-08 Hsin-Hsiung Huang, Chuhsing Kate Hsiao, Su-Yun Huang 2008/12/11 Nonlinear regression analysis
- 2008-09 Hung Chen and Hsin-Hsiung Huang 2008/12/11
- Model selection consistency of Cp-LASSO in linear regression with orthonormal regressors
- 2008-10 Ching-Kang Ing, Jin-Lung LIn, Shu-Hui Yu 2008/12/22 Toward optimal multistep forecasts in unstable autoregressions
- 2008-11 Ching-Kang Ing, Chor-yiu SIN, Shu-Hui Yu 2008/12/22 Prediction errors in nonstationary autoregressions of infinite order
發表於 2017-06-12 16:51:04