- C-2002-01 Cheng-Der Fuh and Inchi Hu 2002/01/04 Importance resampling for bootstrap confidence regions
- C-2002-02 Xiaotong Shen, hsin-Cheng Huang, Jimmy Ye 2002/01/24 Model selection for exponential models
- C-2002-03 傅承德 2002/02/20 財務統計
- C-2002-04 Hsin-Cheng Huang and Nan-Jung Hsu 2002/03/04 Modeling transport effects on ground-level ozone using a non-stationary space-time model
- C-2002-05 Hwai-Chung Ho and Ching-Kang Ing 2002/04/09 Forecasting of long memory time series
- C-2002-06 趙民德 2002/05/27 沙中選礦的一些我見我思
- C-2002-07 Jine-Phone Chou and Kai-Ching Lin 2002/07/19 Hedge the pipeling risk of fixed-rate mortgages
- C-2002-08 Fan C. Meng 2002/08/16 Comparing Birnbaum importance measure of system components
- C-2002-09 Cheng-Der Fuh and Edward H. Ip 2002/08/28 Bootstrap and Bayesian Bootstrap Clones for Censored Markov Chains
- C-2002-10 Fuh, Cheng-Der and Wang, Ren-Her and Cheng, Jui-Chi 2002/09/16 Option Pricing in a Black-Scholes Model with Markov Switching
- C-2002-11 Yi-Hsuan Lee, Edward H. Ip, Cheng-Der Fuh 2002/12/11 A Strategy for Controlling Item Exposure in Multidimensional Computerized Adaptive Testing
- C-2002-12 C. D. Fuh 2002/12/13 Iterated Random Functions: Convergence Theorems
- C-2001-01 Jing-Shiang Hwang and Tzuu-Huei Ueng 2001/1/11 Bayesian analysis of multiple responses from an animal carcinogen mixture experiment
- C-2001-02 David F. Findley, Benedikt M. Potscher and Ching-Zong Wei 2001/02/05 Modeling of time series arrays by multistep prediction or likelihood methods
- C-2001-03 Tsung-Lin Cheng 2001/03/20 On Characterizing the Representation for a Reversing Point Martingale
- C-2001-04 Tsung-Lin Cheng 2001/03/20 On the Stochastic Integral Equations with Non-Lipschitz Coefficients
- C-2001-05 Tsung-Lin Cheng and Y.S. Chow 2001/03/20 A Generalization and Application of McLeish’s Central Limit Theorem
- C-2001-06 Xiaotong Shen, Hsin-Cheng Huang and Noel Cressie 2001/04/06
- Nonparametric hypothesis testing for a spatial signal
- C-2001-07 Cheng-Der Fuh and Tze Leung Lai 2001/5/17
- Asymptotic expansions in multidimensional Markov renewal theory and first passage times for Markov random walks
- C-2001-08 趙民德 2001/05/23 關於數據採礦中取樣概念的一些探討
- C-2001-09 Fan C. Meng 2001/06/20 A note on some reliability bounds for multistate systems
- C-2001-10 Yuan-chin Ivan Chang and Zhiliang Yin 2001/07/13 Sequential estimation in variable length computerized adaptive testing
- C-2001-11 趙民德 2001/11/19 皮匠法的美麗與哀愁
- C-2001-12 Yuan-Chin Ivan Chang, Adam T. Martinsek 2001/11/20 Sequential approaches to data mining
- C-2000-1 Cheng Der Fuh and Inchi Hu Importance Resampling for Bootstrap Confidence Regions
- C-2000-2 Hsin-Cheng Huang, Noel Cressie, John Gabrosek Fast Spatial Prediction of Global Processes from Satellite Data
- C-2000-3 Gerold Alsmeyer and Cheng-Der Fuh Limit Theorems for Iterated Random Functions by Regenerative Methods
- C-2000-4 Hsien-Kuei Hwang and Tsung-Hsi Tsai An Asymptotic Theory for Recurrence Relations Based on Minimization and Maximization
- C-2000-5 Zhi-Dong Bai, Hsien-Kuei Hwang, Wen-Qi Liang and Tsung-His Tsai Limit theorems for the Number of Maxima in random samples from Planar Regions
- C-2000-6 Jing-Shiang Hwang and Chang-Chuan Chan Bayesian hierarchical Modeling Strategy to Estimate Air Pollution Effects on Daily Clinic Visits in Small Areas
- C-2000-7 林妙香 試題分析
- C-2000-8 Jine-Phone Chou Recognition of Model for the Distribution from Exponential Families Through Bayesian Statistics
- C-2000-9 C. K. Ing and C. Z. Wei Order Selection for the Same-Realization Prediction in Autoregressive Processes
- C-2000-10 Chi-Lun Cheng and Chih-Ling Tsai The Invariance of Score Tests to Measurement Error
- C-99-1 Yuan-chin Ivan Chang
- A Stopping Rule in Computerized Adaptive Tests
- C-99-2 Weijing Wang and A. Adam Ding
- On Assessing the Association Relationship for Bivariate Current Status Data
- C-99-3 Weijing Wang
- Nonparametric Estimation of the Sojourn Time Distributions for a Multi-Path Model
- C-99-4 Weijing Wang and Martin T. Wells
- Semiparametric Estimation Of a Bivariate Survival Function
- C-99-5 Ming-Tien Tsai
- The Admissibility of LRT and UIT for One-Sided Multivariate Problems
- C-99-6 M. T. Chao and C. D. Fuh
- Bootstrap Methods for the Up and Down Test on Pyrotechnics Sensitivity Analysis
- C-99-7 C. K. Ing and C. Z. Wei
- On Within-Sample Predictions in Infinite-Order Autoregressive Processes
- C-99-8 David F. Findley, Benedikt M. Potscher and Ching-Zong Wei
- Convergence Results for the Modeling of Time Series Arrays by Multistep Prediction or Likelihood Methods
- C-99-9 林妙香, 梁文騏
- 高中推薦甄試使用學科基本能力測驗之盲點
- C-99-10 Wijing Wang , Martin T. Wells
- Model Selection and Semiparametric Inference for Bivariate Failure-Time Data
- C-99-11 Marcia L. Gumpertz, Chi-tsung Wu, John M. Pye
- Logistic Regression for Southern Pine Beetle Outbreaks with Spatial and Temporal Autocorrelation
- C-99-12 Ming-Tien Tsai
- Some Remarks on Invariant Tests for Means with Covariates
- C-99-13 Chi-tsung Wu, Marcia L. Gumpertz, and Dennis D. Boos
- Comparison of GEE, MLE, REML and MIVQUE Estimating Equations for Normally Distributed Data
- C-99-14 Richard A. Johnson and Grace S. Shieh
- On Tests of Independence for Spherical Data -Invariance and Centering
- C-99-15 M.T. Chao and C.D. Fuh
- A Note on the Existence of Maximum Likelihood Estimates for the Quantal Response Models
- C-99-16 David F. Findley and Ching-Zong Wei
- AIC, Overfitting Principles, and Boundedness of Moments of Inverse Matrics for Vector Autoregressive Models fit to Weakly Stationary Time Series
- C-99-17 Cheng-Der Fuh
- Sequential Probability Ratio Tests in Hidden Markov Models
- C-99-18 Hua-Huai Chern, Hsien-Kuei Hwang and Yeong-Nan Yeh
- Distribution of the number of consecutive records
- C-99-19 林妙香
- 高中入學測驗簡易化之盲點
- C-99-20 Cheng-Der Fuh
- Limit Theorems for Strong Stable Markov Chains with Applications to Bootstrap Method in Hidden Markov Models
- C-99-21 Cheng-Der Fuh and Inchi Hu
- Asymptotically Efficient Strategies for a Stochastic Scheduling Problem with Order Constraints
- C-99-22 林妙香
- 教育測驗統計模式淺談
- C-99-23 C. D. Fuh
- Uniform Renewal Theorem and First Passage Probabilities in Markov Random Walks
- C-99-24 Cheng-Der Fuh and Yeong-Nan Yeh
- A Random Perturbation in the Games of Chance
- C-99-25 Ming-Tien Tsai
- Some Remarks on Invariant Tests for Means with Covariates (Revised Versoin)
- C-99-26 林妙香
- 國家考試採行心理測驗可行性之研究
- C-98-1 Jing-Shiang Huang & Jung-Der Wang
- Monte Carlo Estimation of Expected Quality-Adjusted Surval for Follow-up Studies
- C-98-2 Cheng-Der Fuh
- Weighted Bootstrap for Censored Markov Chains
- C-98-3 Hwai-Chung Ho and Grace S. Shieh
- Two-stage U-Statistics for Hypothesis Testing
- C-98-4 Yuan-chin Ivan Chang
- Strong Consistency of Maximum Quasi-likelihood Estimate in Generalized Linear Models Via a Last Time
- C-98-5 戴政
- 發展統計學跨領域合作研究的重要性 — 以與遺傳學家合作為例
- C-98-6 Ker-Chau Li and Chun-Houh Chen
- A Three-way Subclassification Approach to Multiple-class Discriminant Analysis
- C-98-7 Chun-houh Chen
- The Properties and Applications of the Convergence of Correlation Matrices
- C-98-8 Dennis K.J. Lin*and J.Y. Chang
- A Note on Cyclic Orthogonal Designs *Visiting scholar from 86.12 to 87.8
- C-98-9 Jine-Phone Chou
- Conjugate Priors for Discrete Exponential Families
- C-98-10 Jine-Phone Chou
- Characterization of the Model for Exponential Families through Linear and Quadratic Posterior Expectations
- C-98-11 Weijing Wang and Martin T. Wells
- Estimation of Kendall’s Tau under Censoring
- C-98-12 Miao-shiang Lin
- C-98-13 Chi-Lun Cheng, Hans schneeweiss, Markus Thamerus
- A small sample estimator for a polynomial regression with errors in the Variables
- C-98-14 Noel Cressie & Hsin-Cheng Huang
- Classes of Nonseparable, spatio-temporal stationary covariance functions
- C-98-15 Chun-Houh Chen and Ker-Chau Li
- Generalization of Fisher’s linear dicriminant analysis via the approach of sliced inverse regression
- C-98-16 Chun-Houh Chen and Jih-An Chen
- Interactive diagnostic plots for multidimensional scaling with applications in psychosis disorder data analysis
- C-98-17 C.Z. Wei
- A maximal moment inequality for long range dependent time series with applications
- C-98-18 Cheng-Der Fuh, Cun-Hui Zhang
- Poisson equation, moment inequalities and quick convergence for Markov random walks
- C-98-19 Cheng-Der Fuh, Inchi Hu
- A Bayesian Version of Kiefer-Wolfowitz Scheme for Finding the Maximum of a Regression Function
- C-98-20 Ming-Tien Tsai
- Some Optimal Properties of the LRT and UIT for One-Sided Multivariate Problems(See C-99-05)
- C-97-1 Su-Yun Huang, Henry Horng-Shing Lu
- Wavelet Shrinkage, GSM and their Connection
- C-97-2 戴政
- 我對國內生物統計發展的看法
- C-97-3 Lung-An Li and Hwey-Lian Hsieh
- Programs of Rarefaction
- C-97-4 C. D. Fuh
- On Large Deviations and Efficiency of the Maxium LikeLihood Estimate in Hidden Markov Models
- C-97-5 Yuan-chin I. Chang and Zhiliang Ying
- Fixed Accuracy Confidence Set for Generalized Linear Models
- C-97-6 Grace S. Shieh
- Weighted Kendall’s taue Design
- C-97-7 Ming-Tien Tsai
- A Note on Likelihood Ratio and Projected Tests for One-Sided Alternatives
- C-97-8 Miao-Hsiang Lin
- Comparison of Validity of Methods in Determining Test Unidimensionality
- C-97-9 I-Chiau Huang and Su-Yun Huang
- Bernoulli Numbers and Polynomials via Residues
- C-97-10 Su-Yun Huang and Henry Horng-Shing Lu
- Extended Gauss-Markov Theorem for Nonparametric Mixed-Effects Models
- C-97-11 C. Z. Wei
- A Note on the Strong Law of Large Numbers for Multivariate Martingales
- C-97-12 Feng-Shun Chai and Rahul Mukerjee
- Optimal Designs for Diallel Crosses with Specific Combining Abilities Include in the Model
- C-97-13 Zhidong Bai, Grace S. Shieh and Wei-Yann Tsai
- Rank Tests for Independence – with a Weighted Correlation Alternative
- C-97-14 Wei-Hsiung Chao & Michael R. Kosorok
- Analysis of Longitudinal Categorical Outcomes with More Frequently Observed Covariates
- C-97-15 Chi-Lun Cheng
- On Polynomial Berkson Model
- C-97-16 Cheng-Der Fuh & Larry A Shepp
- An Ergodic Markov Chain Arising in Monte Carlo Simulations
- C-96-1 詹長權, 黃景祥
- 出售藍天: 空氣污染防制費的一些省思
- C-96-2 林妙香
- 檢視 ILPS 測驗題之結構及維度
- C-96-3 Cheng-Der Fuh
- On Importance Sampling for Markov Chains
- C-96-4 Cheng-Der Fuh
- Efficient Likelihood Estimation in Hidden Markov Models
- C-96-5 Yunshyong Chow and Su-Yun Huang
- A Characterization of the Uniform Distribution Via Moments of N-Fold Convolution Modulo One
- C-96-6 Ming Tien Tsai
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Covariance Matrices Under Order Restrictions
- C-96-7 Jing-Shiang Hwang, Arthur P. Dempster
- A Stochastic System for Modeling Labor Force Series of Small Areas
- C-96-8 Cheng Der Fuh, Tze leung Lai
- Wald’s Equations, Wiener-Hopf Factorization and moments of Ladder Variables in Markov Random Walks
- C-96-9 Yu-Ling Tseng, Lawrence D. Brown
- Good Exact Confidence Sets for the Maen Vector of Multivariate Normal Distribution
- C-96-10 Sangyeol Lee, C. Z. Wei
- On Residual Empirical Processes of Stochastic Regression Models with Applications to Time Series
- C-96-11 劉長萱, 程爾觀, 蔡政豐, 李明燕, 吳杰蓉
- 學科能力測驗等化(一): 共通題與在校成績等化比較
- C-96-12 劉長萱, 程爾觀, 蔡政豐, 李明燕, 吳杰蓉
- 學科能力測驗等化(二): 重覆考生等化
- C-96-13 劉長萱, 蔡政豐, 吳杰蓉
- 推薦甄試與一般考生各科聯招成績分配比較
- C-96-14 Hwai-Chung Ho, Tailen Hsing
- On Domains of Attraction for Functionals of Moving Averages
- C-96-15 C. D. Fuh
- Sequential Analysis of the Hidden Markov Models
- C-96-16 Michelle Liou
- Establishing Score Comparability in Heterogeneous Populations
- C-95-1 林妙香
- 統計方法及測驗模式刻度化 ILPS 測驗工具(I)
- Statistical Methods and Testing Models for Calibrating ILPS Instrument (I)
- C-95-2 C. D. Fuh
- Paley-Type Inequalities Related to the Central Limit Theorem for Markov Chains
- C-95-3 李隆安
- 八十二年度「國民營養健康狀況變遷調查」權數表(修正稿)
- C-95-4 Su-Yu Huang
- A Spline Approach to the Construction of Wavelet Scaling Functions
- C-95-5 Su-Yu Huang
- On the Consistency of a Hierarchical Bayes Estimation
- C-95-6 Su-Yu Huang
- Empirical Bayes Estimation of the Guarantee Time with Linex Loss
- C-95-7 Hsien-Kuei Hwang
- On the Distribution of the Values of Arithmetical Functions I: the Number of Prime Factors of an Integer
- C-95-8 Gopal K. Basak, Inchi Hu, Ching-Zong Wei
- Weak Convergence of Recursion
- C-95-9 周元銍, 魏慶榮
- 不個乘積的矩不等式
- C-95-10 Fan C. Meng
- Comparing the Importance of System Conponents by Some Structural Characteristics
- C-95-11 C. D. Fuh
- Corrected Diffusion Approximations for Ruin Probabilities in Markov Random Walk
- C-95-12 魏慶榮
- 科技整合中的統計
- C-95-13 Su-Yun Huang
- Density Estimation by Wavelet-Based Reproducing Kernels
- C-95-14 Grace S. Shieh
- Refined Composite Sampling for Acute Toeicity Standard
- C-95-15 Yuan-chin Ivan Chang
- Sequential Confidence Set for Adaptive Multiple Regressions Based on the Observed Fisher Information
- C-95-16 Grace S. Shieh
- Some Recent Developments of V-statistics (1988-1994)
- C-95-17 Yuan S. Chow
- An Inequality on the Rate of Convergence in the Central Limit Theorem
- C-95-18 Yuan S. Chow
- On Spitzer’s Formula for the Moment of Ladder Variables
- C-95-19 Cheng-Der Fuh
- Large Deviation Probabilities in the Strong Law of Large Numbers for Markov Additive Processes
- C-95-20 Chi-Lun Cheng and John W. Van Ness
- Robust Calibration
- C-95-21 Jine-Phone Chou
- Simultaneous Estimation of Parameters in a Restricted Subspace for Continuous Exponential Families
- C-95-22 Chisheng Huang
- Penguin Reference Manual
- C-95-23 Michelle Liou, Philip E. Cheng, Eugene G. Johnson
- Standard Errors of the Kernel Equating Methods Under the Common-Item Design
- C-95-24 劉長萱, 程爾觀, 于昌永
- Equiserv 使用手冊
- C-95-25 Su-Yun Huang
- A Wavelet Approach for Empirical Bayes Estimation in the Uniform U(O,Θ) Distribution
- C-94-1 Ming-Tien Tsai
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Covariance Matrices Under Order Restrictions
- C-94-2 Min-Te Chao & S. W. Cheng
- Optimal 2-D Control Charts: Computing Details
- C-94-3 Cheng Der Fuh & Tze Leung Lai
- Convergence Rate in the Strong Law of Large Numbers for Markov Chains
- C-94-4 王友鐘編
- 「品質與生產力提昇」案例集
- C-94-5 李隆安撰
- 曾文溪的河道變遷
- C-94-6 李隆安撰
- 從等高線圖估計體積的統計方法
- C-94-7 李隆安撰
- 颱風豪雨之初步統計方析
- C-94-8 Jine-Phone Chou
- The Admissiblily of Stein-type Estimators for Exponential Families
- C-94-9 魏慶榮撰
- Lepingle 不等式的一個註記
- C-94-10 Douglas G. Simpson & Yuan-Chin Ivan Chang
- Reweighting Approximate GM Estimators: Asymptotic Inferences and Residual-Based Graphics
- C-94-11 Grace S. Shieh
- Weighted Degenerate U- and V- Statistics with Estimated Parameters
- C-94-12 C. D. Fuh
- On the Mean and Limit Distributions of a First Passage Time for Markov Chains
- C-94-13 李隆安
- 八十二年度「國民營養健康狀況變遷調查」權數表
- C-93-1 程爾觀, 周若珍, 李隆安
- 臺灣氣象測站間記錄差異之比較
- C-93-2 Ming-Tien Tsai
- A General Ization of the Wishart Distribution
- C-93-3 Tsai, Ming-Tien
- Monotonicity of the Power Functions of Multivariate Invariant Tests
- C-93-4 程爾觀, 周若珍, 李隆安
- 臺灣氣象測站間寒暑記錄差異之比較–國科會專題計劃『PAGES 的統計諮詢及模型研究』研究報告之二
- C-93-5 Jine-Phone Chou
- The Admissibility of P-Value for the One-Sided Hypothesis Test in Negative Binomial Case
- C-93-6 程爾觀, 周若珍, 李隆安
- 臺灣氣象測站跨區記錄之比較–國科會專題計劃『PAGES 的統計諮詢及模型研究』研究報告之三
- C-93-7 李隆安
- 臺灣縣市鄉鎮圖形資料庫
- C-93-8 Jine-Phone Chou
- Improved Estimators for Contimuous Exponential Families with Restricted Parameter Space and Applications to a General Linear Model
- C-93-9 趙民德
- 論一些參數設計中有關位置及散度的假設測定方法: 常態分配的情形
- C-93-10 林妙香
- 論班級常模之不公平性
- C-93-11 林妙香
- 改進國中畢業生自願就學輔導方案研究: (一)
- C-93-12 林妙香
- 日大聯招失卷案的探討
- C-93-13 Liou, M. & Cheng, E. P.
- Asymptotic Standard Error of Equipercentile Equating
- C-93-14 李隆安
- 曾文溪的河道變遷
- C-93-15 程爾觀, 周若珍, 李隆安
- 臺灣玉山杉木樹輪氣象之統計模型–國科會專題計劃『PAGES 的統計諮詢及模型研究』研究報告之四
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