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- Sankhya : the Indian journal of statistics, ser. A. v.23~v.64(1961~2002) v.72(2010)~
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- Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 1997~
- Scandinavian Journal of Statistics v.1~v.45(1974~2018) v.24(1997)~
- Science v.1~v.362(1880~2018) v.275:no.5296(1997)~
- Scientific American v.268(1993)~
- Sequential Analysis: Design Methods & Applications v.1(1982)~
- SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics v.14~78(1966~2018) v.1(1953)~
- SIAM Journal on Computing v.1(1972)~
- SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization v.1(1962)~
- SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics v.1(1988)~
- SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis v.1(1970)~
- SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis v.3~56(1966~2018) v.1(1964)~
- SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing v.1(1980)~
- Siberian Mathematical Journal v.7(1966)~
- Significance: statistics making sense v.1~19(2004~2022) v.20(2023)~
- Sociological Methodology v.1~51(1969~2021) v.27~41(1997~2011) v.29(1999)~
- Software: Practice & Experience v.26(1996)~
- South African statistical journal (SASJ) v.49(2015)~
- Stat v.1(2012)~
- Statistica v.62(2002)~
- Statistica Neerlandica v.1(1946)~
- Statistica Sinica v.1(1991)~
- Statistical Analysis and Data Mining v.1(2008)~
- Statistical Applications In Genetics And Molecular Biology v.1(2002)~
- Statistical Inference For Stochastic Processes v.1(1998) ~
- Statistical Methodology v.1~33(2004~2016)
- Statistical Methods in Medical Research v.6(1997)~
- Statistical Modelling v.1(2001)~
- Statistical Papers v.1(1960)~
- Statistical Science v.1~35(1986~2020) v.1(1986)~
- Statistical Theory & Method Abstracts online 2001, 2003 ~ 2004 {單機版, 請洽館員}
- The Statistician v.12~52(1962~2003)
- Statistics: A Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics v.8(1977)~
- Statistics and Computing v.1(1991) ~
- Statistics and Its Interface v.1(2008) ~
- Statistics & Probability Letters v.1(1982) ~
- Statistics & Risk Modeling(Statistics and Decisions) v.13(1995) ~
- Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research v.1(2009)~
- Statistics in Medicine v.1(1982) ~
- Stochastic Analysis and Applications v.1(1983) ~
- Stochastic Processes and Their Applications v.1(1973) ~
- Stochastics and Stochastics Reports v.75~76(2003~2004)
- Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica v.36(2000)~
- Supplement to the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society v.1~9(1934~1947)
- Survey Methodology v.7(1981) ~
發表於 2019-03-13 11:12:00