Network Big-Data Analysis (NBDA) Research Group
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Job Summary:

The NBDA Research Group invites applications for one or more research assistant positions for one-year (renewable annually). The applicant will be invited in one or more research projects conducted in this research group. Some ongoing research projects are listed in this website, and there are some future research projects that the principal investigators will work on soon.
The salary grade follows the pay rate provided by National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) of Taiwan. It may be adjusted to the standard rate of Academia Sinica for those with good performance. Labor Insurance and National Health Insurance are covered.

  1. A completion of M.S. program in statistics, mathematics, information science or a related discipline.

  2. Knowledge in network data analysis, machine learning, big data analytics, or database analysis are particularly welcome, but not mandatory.

  3. Adequate programming skills in R, Python, or Matlab.

  4. Adequate oral and written communication skills.

  5. Independent, well-organized, self-motivated in assigned research works.

How to Apply:

Applications, including a current curriculum vitae (a publication list if exist), a brief description on career plan and a pdf of M.S. thesis, must be received electronically via email to (use "RA Application - NBDA Group" as the subject line). Review of applications will start now and continue until successful candidates are identified.

Job Summary:

The NBDA Research Group invites applications for one postdoctoral researcher position for one-year (renewable annually). The applicant will be invited in multiple research projects conducted in this research group. Some ongoing research projects are listed in this website, and there are some future research projects that the principal investigators will work on soon.
The salary grade follows the standard rate of Academia Sinica. It may be adjusted to a higher grade for those with good performance and/or previous working experiences on related researches. Labor Insurance and National Health Insurance are covered.

  1. A completion of Ph.D. program in statistics, mathematics, information science or a related discipline.

  2. Knowledge in network data analysis, machine learning, big data analytics, or database analysis are particularly welcome, but not mandatory.

  3. Adequate programming skills in R, Python, or Matlab.

  4. Adequate oral and written communication skills.

  5. Independent, well-organized, self-motivated in assigned research works.

How to Apply:

Applications, including a current curriculum vitae (a publication list if exist), a brief description on career plan and a pdf of Ph.D. dissertation, must be received electronically via email to (use "Postdoc Application - NBDA Group" as the subject line). Review of applications will start now and continue until successful candidates are identified.