Below are recent publications from our research group classified in different topics since 2019.
Network Dynamics and Evolution:
Jung, H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2021). Analysis of a finite mixture of truncated zeta distributions for degree distribution. Complex Networks and Their Applications IX, SCI Volume 944, 497-507.
Jung, H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2021). On the effects of capability and popularity on network dynamics with applications to Youtube and Twitch networks. Physica A 571, 125663.
Chang, L.L.N., Phoa, F.K.H. and Nakano, J. (2021). A generative model of article citation networks of a subject from a large-scale citation database. Scientometrics 126, 7373-7395.
Jung, H., Phoa, F.K.H. and Ashouri, M. (2022). A leading author model for the popularity effect on scientific collaboration. Complex Networks and Their Applications X, SCI Volume 1015, 424-437.
Jung, H., Kim, S. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2024+). Weighted evolving hypergraph model with preferential attachment. In revision.
Network Structure and Clustering:
Wang, T.C. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2020). A generalized framework for detecting social network communities by the scanning method. Complex Networks and Their Applications, SCI volume 881, 250-261.
Sun, W.H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2022). Network community detection via an improved swarm intelligence approach. Advances in Swarm Intelligence, LNCS volume 13344, 419-431.
Network Visualization:
Huang, E.C.H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2023). Uniformly scattering neighboring nodes of an ego-centric network on a spherical surface for better network visualization. Complex Networks and Their Applications XI, SCI Volume 1078, 97-107.
Huang, E.C.H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2023). A uniform placement of alters on spherical surface (U-PASS) for ego-centric networks with community structure and alter attributes. Advances in Complex Systems 26, 2340003.
Huang, E.C.H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2024). An extended uniform placement of alters on spherical surface (U-PASS) method for visualizing general networks. Complex Networks and Their Applications XI, SCI Volume 1144, 291-300.
Huang, E.C.H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2024+). A generalized Uniform Placement of Alters on Spherical Surface (U-PASS) for visualizing general weighted networks. In revision.
Network Properties:
Chang, L.L.N., Phoa, F.K.H. and Nakano, J. (2019). A new metric for the analysis of the scientific article citation network. IEEE Access 7, 132027-132032.
Lin, W.-H., Lai, S.-M., Davis, A.J., Liu, W.-C. and Jordán, F. (2022). A network-based measure of functional diversity in food webs. Biology Letters 18, 20220183.
Lin, W.-H., Davis, A.J., Jordán, F. and Liu, W.-C. (2024). Applying network analysis to measure functional diversity in food webs. Food Webs 38, e00336.
Lin, W.-H. and Liu, W.-C. (2024). Revisiting functional diversity from a network perspective: regular equivalence-based approach. Community Ecology. In press.
Analysis and Application:
Chang, L.L.N., Phoa, F.K.H. and Nakano, J. (2020). Citations of Academic Articles and Statistical Articles in Fields of Sciences. Proceedings of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 68, 247-264.
Phoa, F.K.H., Lai, H.Y., Chang, L.L.N. and Honda, K. (2020). A two-step deep learning approach to data classification and modeling and a demonstration on subject type relationship analysis in the Web of Science. Scientometrics 125, 851-863.
Jung, H. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2021). A mixture model of truncated zeta distributions with applications to scientific collaboration networks. Entropy, 23, 502.
Lai, M.Y., Phoa, F.K.H., Liu, S.P. and Jung, H. (2024+). An analysis of popularity effect in scientific collaboration via dynamic parameter estimations. In revision.
Chang, M.C., Huang, J.W. and Phoa, F.K.H. (2024+). Optimal designs for network experimentation with unstructured treatments. In revision.